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We Transcribe For:
– K-12 Learners
– University and Post-Graduate Learners
– Students with Learning Disabilities
– English Language Learners
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Many years of experience!
Virtual VRI has a team of transcribers with many years of experience in the medical, business and educational fields. TypeWell can easily be accessed via a laptop, tablet, or cell phone, providing ease of access in classroom settings, or anywhere else it may be needed.
Jackie G.
Senior remote captionist and consultant in remote captioning services for Virtual VRI
Elizabeth Nonemaker
TypeWell transcriber since 2013
Jenny Newbry
Typewell transcriber since Fall of 2011
Laura Paulsen
Typewell transcriber since 2003
Jason Farrell
Working as a Typewell transcriber for over a decade.
Briana Manning
Typewell and Audio transcriber since 2015
Bri Halls
Typewell Transcriber/ Captioner since 2011
John Ransom
Captioning now for three years
Brian Greenberg
Typewell transcriber since 2012
Steven Johnson
TypeWell transcriber since 2014
Elizabeth Fleig
TypeWell transcriber since 2015
Nicole Orr
TypeWell Transcriber, audio describer, and video captioner.
Jackie Schumaker
Worked in the medical field for 20 years